District 55 Resourses

Little League and California require a number of screenings and online training to be complete in order to interact with children and young adults.

  • Background Check – Little League International requires all leagues and districts in the United States to conduct an annual background check. All volunteers with regular, repetitive access to players are required to complete the volunteer application through the background check process, including a nationwide criminal search, a search of the National Sex Offender Registry.
  • Abuse Awareness Training for Adultsthis training will now be a required part of the annual Little League Volunteer Application, along with the annual background check. The training must be completed before any individual can assume any duties for the current season.

This course can be completed in approximately 30 minutes online, producing a certificate of completion. For the Abuse Awareness training use the link above to navigate to the USA Baseball Training site. After you register you will want to access the access the education tab.  Go to courses and choose Abuse Awareness for Adults – Umpire Certification.–

  • LiveScan – As a Little League volunteer in California, we want to share an important update regarding a new state law to protect children from sexual abuse in youth organizations, including Little League. California passed a new legislative bill, Assembly Bill No.506, that requires a fingerprint-based background check and child abuse and neglect reporting training for individuals who volunteer more than 16 hours a month or 32 hours a year; which, for Little League, includes coaches, managers, board members, umpires, etc.

This is a once in a lifetime requirement as long as there is no break in service. This Scan must be conducted by each volunteer entity.

  •  CDC Heads up Training – This training, developed through a partnership between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Association of Sports Officials (NASO), is designed specifically for sports officials working at the high school level or below (school or youth sports). This training will review the basics of concussion signs and symptoms, examine a sports official’s role in concussion safety, and explore ways sports officials can contribute to concussion prevention efforts.
  •  Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Training – California law mandates Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention training for school and community youth sports coaches, officials and administrators.

This training should take just 20 minutes complete and help prepare you to protect young hearts from the #1 killer of young athletes.

  • Child Abuse Mandatory Reporter Training for Volunteers– Mandated Reporter Training for Volunteers provides an overview of the definitions, requirements and protections of the California Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting Act as it pertains to volunteers of youth service organizations and other entities that work with children.

This training should take approximately 2 hours to complete.

Resources for the Rules of Baseball

Rules of Baseball can be found in many places – Little League International Baseball rules follow closely to the Major League Baseball rules. There are a few rules and regulations added for player safety. Follow the links below to various rules resources.

District 55 Training Flyers and Videos

Review these flyers and watch the videos to learn your reposonsibiites for both small (60 foot) and large (70 and 90 foot) diamonds for both 3 and 4 man rotations – Learn where you and your partners should be to put yourselves in the best position to make correct calls on the field.

District 55 2024 Tournament BBQ Handouts

Below are links to the packet of information we reviewed at the BBQ

ArbiterSports - Umpire Scheduling Website

Distrcit 55 uses the ArbiterSports website to assign and self assgn umpire assignments for regular season Big Field and all Tournament Games – Below is a link to the Arbiter site. Also there is a video with instructions on how to register and use this schduling site. It is a little dated but still generally accurate.